I'm a Husky
Let me give you the update on my student status: I AM OFFICIALLY A HUSKY!! I got through the applicant phase and was approved as a student in the program I wanted! Yay me! Orientation is in less than a week and then I register for my classes. There’s no turning back now!
I honestly cannot believe I actually am going to do this and go back to school. Have you ever decided to do something that scared you a little (or a lot) but you knew that in doing it, you would better yourself? As an adult I find that getting out of your comfort zone is one of the hardest things we can do. And, we tend to avoid doing anything that makes us feel uncomfortable.
The bad thing about that is, that when you are always comfortable, YOU AREN’T GROWING. Just because I’m an adult doesn’t mean that I should stop growing. And sideways doesn’t count LOL.
Growth in mind, in intelligence, emotionally, in business, in my relationships….in EVERY aspect of my life is super important- now more than ever. Why would I waste my time and my life by settling for only where I’ve landed right now? I want more. Not more money, but more out of this life.
I am a lifetime learner, just like my mom was. It took me until now to really see that in myself and to recognize that she was just like that too. I remember many summer days where my mother would be reading the newspaper cover to cover or reading a non fiction book ALL DAY LONG. Now I get it. At the time I didn’t understand her madness but I didn’t realize that she loved to read (and learn) about all sorts of things. She would just tell us some random piece of information and be so excited about it and no one else would really care or know what she was talking about. I thought it was funny back then. I thought she was weird to have her nose stuck in books and newspapers all day long.
Now, I know better. I’m just like my mother. And I took it a step farther, because I also like to write! So, I guess the old saying is true that the apple DOESN’T fall far from the tree. And being a little weird is just fine by me.